What is included in the 28 Day Nutrition Challenge:
Pre-challenge food and kitchen prep 2 weeks before the 28 days begins.
Three (30-45 minute) talks with me to answer any questions and help design the challenge to meet your specific needs and goals.
Daily educational emails to help your mind shift on the importance of proper nutrition and stress management.
Daily goals based around nutrition, water intake and brain “rewiring”
Daily accountability emails. You will have to click a button to tell me you were compliant every day!
Access to me via email as much as you need during the challenge.
Post-challenge guidance to help you continue your success.
Cost: $229
Space is limited for each 28 Day Challenge. Please contact me if you are interested and would like more information.
"I lost 18lbs in the first month and 10lbs in the second. My energy is high, my sleep is solid and my stomach issues are gone."
"On day five I started sleeping soundly through the night for the first time in 10 years!!!!"
"I don't find myself hungry, now that I've incorporated more protein and less carbs into my diet. I was surprised how much of my "vegetarian" diet was focused on carbs with not a whole lot of protein."
"My thoughts around food are completely different. I feel like Krista gave me an education in nutrition and how to truly listen to my body."
"My diet was always clean but Krista's program forced me to really start managing my stress differently and a very stubborn 6lbs and 10 inches flew off!"
"I'm eating more than I have in years. My sleep and stress are better and I've lost 10lbs."
"All uncomfortable stomach issues are gone!!"
"I didn't realize I had the ability to change my unhealthy thought patterns so quickly. I feel like a new person."